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Subby Day

April 29, 2023

The Substance Ale was our very first beer, and the beer that built Bissell Brothers. So we only play around with it when there’s a Very Important Reason. (This is one of them.)

As our 10th anniversary approaches, we thought it’d be perfect to kick off the celebrations with our very first SUBBY DAY! We’ll have our flagship IPA, The Substance Ale, available alongside a whole family of variants available on draft and in cans… some brand new (the first two!), and some that we’ve had before. We will be presenting you with:

DOUBLE SUBSTANCE // A decade of askin’, now we’re answerin’. Extra Maine-grown grain in the mash and jacked up hop intensity made for an 8% version of our flagship IPA.

NITRO SUBSTANCE // Why not! We’re putting our flagship IPA on nitrogen for the very first time, resulting in a smoother, softer Substance experience. We’ll have it pouring from our taps and in cans, so don’t forget your instructions if you’re taking it home: pour straight down out of the can into the glass for maximum nitro enjoyment.

ORIGINAL RECIPE SUBSTANCE // The ultimate throwback emerges from our time machine in the beer that we affectionately call OG Subby. A simpler-yet-headier hop bill and a different yeast strain results in a more West Coast-inspired take on Substance, inspired by Noah Bissell’s original recipe penned in 2012.

SPRUCE TIP SUBSTANCE ALE // This one is a favorite: Substance, but with a whooole lot of spruce tips thrown in. They play so well together that after the first time we brewed it, we started bringing it back annually as a unique twist on one of our most familiar beers.

…and if all that is not enough, our kitchen’s working on some extra-special specials to celebrate with. Hope to see you there!